Saturday, June 12, 2010

I CAN'T, WON'T Stay Away Forever...

Dear Blogland,

I'm missing you MUCH more than you are missing me, I promise!

I WILL be back soon... I HAVE to be back soon. Blogging CReaTiVe, FuN ideas, is my escape from insanity (I mean... Life! LOL!!). I do appreciate the sweet emails/comments that you have sent wondering if I had vanished into thin air. They are always uplifting and have been very encouraging.

I thought I'd include a photo of one of my "chaotic-but-never-a-dull-moment-and-I-love-it-that-way" days. Photo courtesy of my sweet, sweet assistant.

(Update: I no longer have the desk calendar in the photo above, because I knocked over my entire LARGE cup of coffee all over my desk yesterday morning. Just lovely...)

Hope you are ALL doing Spectacular!! Let's catch up SOON!!


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