Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Cool is This?

My sweet hubby spent the weekend cleaning out Nanny's (his 86 year old great-grandmother) garage and brought home all kinds of goodies.
You RARELY see me without a camera in front of my face and he knew that no one would appreciate this treasure more than me!! And he was right!!
The Polaroid 95a Land camera was manufactured from 1954-1957.
It even came with the case (not pictured)
I cannot wait to display this camera within our home... it truly is a treasure!
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Anonymous said...

Well, you husband is wonderful to have thought of you for this treasure. It is a beauty and it even has accessories and case! Good for you. You'll create a beautiful vignette from this. So how are you enjoying that beautiful master bedroom of yours? I am so envious! I truly love the ambience of it!

Denise @ Life on Stepping Stone Lane said...

What an awesome treasure!!

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

wow! what a great find! Ive never seen one of those cameras in person... very cool.

angelina la dawn said...

i;ve got an old camera from my grammy too and it's one of my favorite treasures!

Unknown said...

You are so lucky!!! they don't make cameras like that anymore *sigh*

came by from SITS!

Unknown said...

what a beautiful camera. I love old things! I loved your family photos. What a gorgeous Family you have.


Kool Aid said...

That is so COOL!!! How exciting for you! I love finding old treasures like that.

Have a great morning - visiting over from SITS.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Fantastic...what a great find! I love displaying the old with the will look wonderful!

Nishant said...

It is a beauty and it even has accessories and case! Good for you.

Work From Home India